Monday 28 March 2016

Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

This mini project on SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR displays a scientific calculator with all the mathematic functions. Geometrically it is rectangular in shape, it consists of small rectangular boxes represents the key pad keys and the upper rectangular box indicates the display screen of the calculator. It computes normal mathematical calculations and some functions and trigonometric functions. Mainly it has calculator key pad which is indicating all the numeric and function keys, and a display screen which shows the inputs from the input devices.
The calculator keys take input from keyboard stroke and mouse clicks. And it displays the input in the upper display screen. The calculated answer will show just below the display screen. The calculator supports radical and degree modes for the calculations. The modes can choose by pressing the key provided in the upper right corner. Pressing of the off key in the calculator will close the calculator window.

Screen Shots
Initial View:

The snapshot above shows the initial view of the Scientific Calculator

Inputs to the Scientific Calculator:

The snapshot above shows the input to the calculator and previous calculation execution parts.

Scientific Calculator with Inputs:

The snapshot above shows the normal addition inputs to the Scientific Calculator.

Calculated Answer:

The snapshot above shows the Scientific Calculator with the calculation part and the answer for the calculated part.

Download Program Source Code here

Download Full Project Report here

Download Presentation Slide(ppt) here



This mini project on CLOCK displays an analog as well as a digital clock by reading the time from the system in which it runs. It implements the wall clock with the round circular board and three conic geometrics which forms the different (sec, min & hour) hands. Small cubes are also made for the minutes, while each hour is represented with a large block. Digit display of the clock timing is also placed at the bottom of the graphics window.

               The ‘localtime (&ltime)' function is used to get the local time. With proper mathematics and conversion of the time for sec, min and hours the graphical hands are made to make movement. The user can toggle between two types of views and can enable or disable the background brightness of the clock.

Screen Shots

Initial View:

The snapshot above shows the Clock in Ortho view initially.

Menu with options:

The snapshot above shows the menu containing different options.

Window with description of the project:

The snapshot above shows a short description about the project.

Perspective view:

The snapshot above shows the Clock in perspective view. The user is able to toggle between these two views.

Brightness OFF:

The snapshot above shows the Clock with brightness off. The user is able to adjust the brightness of the clock.

Brightness ON:

The snapshot above shows the Clock with brightness on.

Download Program Source Code here 
Download Full Project Report here