Monday, 28 March 2016

Lift-Over Bridge

Lift-Over Bridge


picture is worth a thousand words’ goes the ancient Chinese proverb.This has become a cliché in our society after the advent of inexpensive and simple techniques for producing pictures.

             Computers have become a powerful medium for the rapid and economical production of pictures. There is virtually no area in which graphical displays cannot be used to some advantage. Graphics provide a so natural means of communicating with a computer that they have become widespread. The fields in which Computer Graphics find their uses are many. Some of them being  User Interfaces, Computer Aided Design, Office automation, Desktop Publishing, Plotting of mathematical, scientific or industrial data, Simulation, Art, Presentations, Cartography, to name a few…Here, We have tried to incorporate and present the working environment of a Lift-Over Bridge which is also known as Bascule Bridge in 2D.

            The bascule bridge works with a counterweight that balances the span (leaf) while the upward swing provides clearance for boat traffic. Here, we have created a scene consisting of the bascule bridge which operates to allow a boat to pass under it while a bus waits for the leaf of the bridge to swing back into its position and then passes along the bridge after the boat has sailed across. We have provided mouse interface to start and stop animation and to exit the window. We have also included the keyboard input function to change the color of the boat.
Snap shot of Initial stage of the Lift over bridge

  Snap Shot Showing Main Menu (mouse interface)

Snapshot shows the lifting up the bascules
 Snap Shot Shows the changing the colors of boat
Snap Shot Shows the Bridge moving down
Snap Shot Shows the Vehicle Crossing Over the Bridge
Download Program Source Code here
Download Full Project Report here