Monday, 28 March 2016

Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

This mini project on SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR displays a scientific calculator with all the mathematic functions. Geometrically it is rectangular in shape, it consists of small rectangular boxes represents the key pad keys and the upper rectangular box indicates the display screen of the calculator. It computes normal mathematical calculations and some functions and trigonometric functions. Mainly it has calculator key pad which is indicating all the numeric and function keys, and a display screen which shows the inputs from the input devices.
The calculator keys take input from keyboard stroke and mouse clicks. And it displays the input in the upper display screen. The calculated answer will show just below the display screen. The calculator supports radical and degree modes for the calculations. The modes can choose by pressing the key provided in the upper right corner. Pressing of the off key in the calculator will close the calculator window.

Screen Shots
Initial View:

The snapshot above shows the initial view of the Scientific Calculator

Inputs to the Scientific Calculator:

The snapshot above shows the input to the calculator and previous calculation execution parts.

Scientific Calculator with Inputs:

The snapshot above shows the normal addition inputs to the Scientific Calculator.

Calculated Answer:

The snapshot above shows the Scientific Calculator with the calculation part and the answer for the calculated part.

Download Program Source Code here

Download Full Project Report here

Download Presentation Slide(ppt) here



This mini project on CLOCK displays an analog as well as a digital clock by reading the time from the system in which it runs. It implements the wall clock with the round circular board and three conic geometrics which forms the different (sec, min & hour) hands. Small cubes are also made for the minutes, while each hour is represented with a large block. Digit display of the clock timing is also placed at the bottom of the graphics window.

               The ‘localtime (&ltime)' function is used to get the local time. With proper mathematics and conversion of the time for sec, min and hours the graphical hands are made to make movement. The user can toggle between two types of views and can enable or disable the background brightness of the clock.

Screen Shots

Initial View:

The snapshot above shows the Clock in Ortho view initially.

Menu with options:

The snapshot above shows the menu containing different options.

Window with description of the project:

The snapshot above shows a short description about the project.

Perspective view:

The snapshot above shows the Clock in perspective view. The user is able to toggle between these two views.

Brightness OFF:

The snapshot above shows the Clock with brightness off. The user is able to adjust the brightness of the clock.

Brightness ON:

The snapshot above shows the Clock with brightness on.

Download Program Source Code here 
Download Full Project Report here 

Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGL

 Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGL

Program to demonstrate basic use of 3D shapes and transformations. Uses calls to glut to draw the shapes. Click on the right mouse button which displays the menu, left button selects the option. Also illustrates the rotation of CSG in 3dimensional space. The program uses variable angle of rotation for different objects. The objects are in the shape of cone and sphere.

This is a simple interactive graphics program. It is extremely user friendly and has the features, which makes an OpenGL application. It mainly helps in demonstrating the basic use of 3D shaped and transformations.

It has an open source code and no security features have been included. The user is free to alter the code for further enhancements to either the front end or the back end. The basic minimal features such as built-in functions have been included in this simple graphics program.

Screen Shots

  • Object A only(Cone) with Menu

  •  Object B only(Sphere).

  • A or B

  • A and B

  • A Sub B

  • B sub A

  • CSG representations Changing Positions of Objects.

  1. A or B

2.   A and B

3.  A sub B

4.  B sub A

Download Program Source Source Code here
Download Full Project Report here 

Graphics Editor

Graphics Editor

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ goes the ancient Chinese proverb. This has become a cliché in our society after the advent of inexpensive and simple techniques for producing pictures.
  Computers have become a powerful medium for the rapid and economical production of pictures. There is virtually no area in which graphical displays cannot be used to some advantage. Graphics provide a so natural means of communicating with a computer that they have become widespread. Interactive graphics is the most important means of producing pictures since the invention of photography and television.
   The general purpose graphics package provides users with variety of functions for creating and manipulating pictures. Interactivity is implemented by using buttons, which when clicked, using a pointing device such as a mouse, calls the specified function containing the algorithm.
 Graphics Editor is a software tool that helps the user to create some painting on the screen to do some operation on it. This is a simple and a user friendly graphics editor based on the Windows platform. It consists of the following basic facilities:
  • Geometrical shapes such as straight line, parallel lines, circle, ellipse, spiral, square and rectangle can be drawn.
  • Some other features include flood fill, eraser, free hand drawing and text typing.
  • A range of colors and patterns has been provided for the user to choose from.
The position of the mouse pointer is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.   In short all the basic features necessary for the graphics editor have been provided. Care is taken to provide an easy-to-use mouse interface involving an icon-based interaction to provide an intuitive feel to our graphics editor. 

Screen Shots

This section gives us an overview of various functions that have been implemented and their respective representation on the output screen .The various functions are explained along with the illustration of using it is as shown below.

A basic output of the editor before implementing any of the tools and the function used to implement it is as shown below.

Snapshot of  Graphics Editor(Default Output screen).

Snapshot of Graphics editor(using various functions).

Download Program Source Code here
Download Full Project Report here



It is one button game. The idea behind the game is to navigate the helicopter through a cave avoiding obstacles and avoiding hitting the roof of the cave or the floor.

Initially one needs to press the left mouse button to make the copter move upwards, once released then it goes down, if not it goes up again, concentrate on left button to skip the obstacles. The goal is to go as far as possible.

Mouse event is generated when the mouse is moved and one of the buttons is pressed.

             This is a simple interactive graphics program .It is extremely user friendly and has the features, which makes an Opengl application .It mainly demonstrates the simple application of Opengl in gaming applications.

It has an open source code and no security features have been included. The user is free to alter the code for further enhancements to either the front end or the back end. The basic minimal features such as built-in functions have been included in this simple graphics program.

Screen Shots

Initially the instructions to play the game is displayed on the console screen

We can see the copter in blue color, roof and floor of the cave in green color and obstacle in red color. As the copter navigates through the cave without hitting the obstacles the score will be incremented and will be displayed as shown.

The above picture is shown where the copter is hitting the obstrucles after that it will display ‘GAME OVER’.

When the game is over the above screen is diaplayed with the message “GAME OVER” .

Download Program Source Code here
Download Full Project Report here

Tower Of Hanoi

Tower Of Hanoi

The development of this project would improve the user’s knowledge about computer graphics and OpenGL. This project provides good understanding of OpenGL prominent functions like Transformation, Rotation and Clipping, scaling.
             Keeping the factors of usability in mind we have develop this project to provide ease of use. This project will allow user to interact with it through the use of devices like keyboard or mouse.
            This is a project mainly concern with 3D graphics implementation.
Aim of the project:

  • Some time it is necessary to display those object which are
  • Our aim is to draw attention of users toward computer graphics
  • Our aim is to create dominant project which is simple in use 

    Screen Shots

    Disk shifting from one tower to other tower.

    Towers rotated upwards using ‘up’ navigation key.

    Towers rotated downwards using ‘down’ navigation key.

    Towers rotated anticlock wise using ‘right’ navigation key.

    Towers rotated clock wise using ‘left’ navigation key.

    Reset position of disks on 1st tower.

    Download Program Source Code here
    Download Full Project Report here



    In this project we designed the simulation of windmill using OpenGL. We used transformation functions like translate and rotate functions to design blades of the windmill. We used many OpenGL inbuilt function to design the structure of windmill.
    This project consist of many user defined function such as increasing windmill fan speed, decreasing windmill fan speed, side views, front and back views, custom angle of rotation of entire windmill structure.
    It provides several options which can be interacted through menus. The user can also interact with program through mouse, keyboard functions. The options provided by the menu are views like side view, back view, front view, custom view. Using mouse, if we click left side it rotates to left and on successive clicking speed increases, if we click right button speed decreases and on successive clicking, it turns rotating towards right and vice versa.
    We can rotate the entire windmill with respect to its axis using the arrow keys of keyboard. It can be rotate through 3600

    Simulation of Windmill is a designed and implemented using a graphics software system called OpenGL which has became a widely accepted standard for developing graphic application. Using openGL functions user can create geometrical objects and can use translation, rotation, scaling with respect to the co-ordinate system.

     The project Visual Transformation Techniques using openGL is based on Rotation and Translation processes using shading effects and is demonstrated using Visual C++.

                   The development of the Simulation of Windmill project has given us a good exposure to OpenGL by which we have learnt some of the technique which help in development of animated pictures, gaming. Hence it is helpful for us even to take up this field as our career too and develop some other features in OpenGL and provide as a token of contribution to the graphics world.

    Simulation of Windmill consist of many user defined function such as increasing windmill fan speed, decreasing windmill fan speed, side views, front and back views, custom angle of rotation of entire windmill structure. All these function makes this project an example of animation in OpenGL.  

    Screen Shots

    Screen displaying the menus

    The above diagram shows the snapshothaving options such as Data_Structuresand displaying the menu which consists of.:-
    • Side View 1
    • Side View 2
    • Back View
    • Front View
    • Custom View
    Back View

    The above diagram shows the snapshot about the option of Back View , in which the Back View of the Windmill structure is displayed .

    Side View 1

    The above diagram shows the snapshot about the option of Back View , in which the Side View of the Windmill structure is displayed

    Speed Tracking on Mouse Clicks

    The above diagram shows the snapshot about the simulation of the windmill, When the wheel of the windmill is made to rotate using the Left and Right Button of the mouse.
    When the Left Button of the mouse is clicked, it starts rotating and on further clicks the speed of the rotation increases.
    When the Right Button of the mouse is clicked, the rotation speed decreases and finally comes to halt.

    Free Movement using Keys

    The above diagram shows the snapshot about free movement of the Windmill structure using the keys. The Right Arrow key is used to rotate the angle of the windmill structure clockwise, whereas the Left Arrow Key is used to rotate the angle of windmill structure anti-clockwise.

    Initial screen

    The above diagram shows the snapshot having the windmill. The objects are of windmill shape and are placed towards the right of the display window. And the display window is of size (600,600). 

    Download Program Source Code here 
    Download Full Project Report here

    Steam Engine


    A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. Heat is obtained from fuel burnt in a closed firebox .The heat is transferred to the water in a pressurized boiler, ultimately boiling the water and transforming it into saturated steam. Steam in its saturated state is always produced at the temperature of the boiling water, which in turn depends on the steam pressure on the water surface within the boiler. The steam is transferred to the motor unit which uses it to push on pistons to power machinery. The used, cooler, lower pressure steam is exhausted to atmosphere.
    The project simulates the working of a steam engine. It illustrates how the linear motion of the piston is converted into rotary motion. The engine is initially at rest. On right clicking, the user is provided with a menu which provides five options-shaded, animate, increase speed, decrease speed, transparent.
    The animate option starts the steam engine from rest or stops the engine if it is running. The speed of the engine can then be increased by the increase speed option or decreased by the decrease speed option. The texture of the engine can be changed by the shaded option.There are two textures. One being the normal solid fill and the other being wireframe. The transparent option makes the front portion of the cylinder transparent and shows the up and down motion of the piston.
    The simulation helps in understanding the working of the engine. It clearly shows how the linear motion is converted into rotary motion.

    Screen Shots

    Screenshot showing the initial shaded model of the engine

    Screen shot showing the wire frame model of the  engine which is in motion and being rotated about the Y-axis

    Download Program Source Code here
    Download Full Project Report here